The creation of value of a brand also depends on its visibility. Each strategy must be used to obtain results and only then can we talk about advantages for the sell out.
The old school saw marketing as an activity that pushed a company’s commercial offers to proportionally increase sales. The world today is very different from that of 30 years ago and society is increasingly liquid, mobile and demanding. Brands have had to take up the challenge and get old again. It was a question of survival.
Today, talking about sales is no longer enough, or rather, it is the last piece of the puzzle. Certainly the most important, but there are many factors that establish the success or failure of a brand. Through years of experience and activity in the field, but especially of mistakes that have become case histories, we can say our piece about how to increase the sell out.
And here’s that, to increase sales, you need to work on the brand! Branding activity is fundamental today. Each brand must communicate its own brand values, its own intrinsic promise and create in the public a feeling of affection and closeness. Saying that your product is better than another is not enough, because everyone says so! What makes the difference is knowing how to communicate the “why” our brand has one or more added value compared to our competitors.
The field marketing activities that we propose serve precisely this purpose: to immerse the brand in the social context and in the right circuits (consistent with the target audience), create entertainment and resonance on and off-line, retain consumers. If these objectives are achieved, which are now fully monitorable, sales will be a logical and undisputed consequence.
The mistake that is often made is to use as a direct KPI of field marketing activities the increase in turnover (or worse, sales volumes) which is the result of a more complex set of marketing activities involving all the strategic departments of a company.
What we can say and do is to study the best activities to increase the value of the brand and its impact on the community, on people, the real goal of any good strategy that is respected.
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