Facebook in store: how much influence do you have on the number of “likes” a photo and a facebook status receives? If it’s rewarding to have the consent of communities, is it also rewarding to buy something that the public approves?
Having many followers has made the fortune of some people who, clicked on the web, have managed to become very popular “opinion leaders”, as in the case of some famous fashion bloggers: it is therefore natural that many companies are understanding that communication is less and less institutional and more and more social, created therefore more by users than in internal offices of communication.
And the same seems to happen inside the store, where the dynamics of social networks were slower to fit in: in reality, now, every seller knows that the possible buyers are not only the inhabitants of the street but entire communities invisible, and already the proliferation of applications geo-local have been a demonstration of this new trend.
Funny in this case is then to mention the case history of C&A, a Brazilian brand in the field of fashion that has managed to bring social retail, creating a facebook in store. It seems that he has managed to bridge the gap between the below and above the line, through a device that has been very successful: that of using, inside the stores, small hangers of a display that, connected to a wi-fi network, show, in real time, the number of “I like” that the dress is getting in the fan page of the brand.
In this way, every customer can see if what he is buying is having the consent of the community or not: and apparently, given the proliferation of fashion blogs, which teach us that with style you are born, but you always have to work a bit, it seems that having the consent, in terms of fashion, is really essential … or not?
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