Pharmaceutical marketing represents an approach to pharma-cosmetic and personal care sector steadily increasing.
Hostess & Promoter has accrued years of experience in this sector and today it has a say to direct pharma companies and promote its products at best. Everything starts from marketing strategy.
Strategic techniques and approaches help our staff in supporting sale of consolidated or new products. This approach is encouraged by training and by verification tests on Hostess & Promoter’s digital platform which aim to assess the effective skill of our staff members as regards this activity.
Main target of all companies is to increase quantity of sell- out and of sale in moments of presence of our specialized staff. More and more pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies approach to promotional activities to push their product or make it know in more and more networks.
In view of these targets, actions of operational marketing must be programmed and no more left up to chance.
We start from main target of operational marketing and field marketing.
Nowadays, it’s been known that thanks to activities of operational marketing a brand can get close to its target and increase visibility in customers’ mind by enhancing sell- out. Among strategies that can be applied in pharmaceutical marketing there is of course carry information. Key activity in pharma sector is to inform, this allows to diffuse data. The best place to perform these strategies is point of sale for sure: the pharmacy. Therefore, pharmacies become location of in store marketing and retail marketing activities where, thanks to the use of stands and crowners with promotional messages, small or big exposing areas, sale promoters in information material and sampling, it is possible to reach established targets of marketing campaign for a brand.
In marketing activity inside pharmacy or supermarkets, information skills and communication skills are essential. Moreover, in pharmacies ranges of particular targets such as children are frequently involved to directly reach customer-mother. In this case, agencies of operational marketing are often called to action and help with the support not only of promoters but also of specialized profiles like makeup men and entertainers. The latter are required to realize balloons sculpture with the most diverse shapes. Theme days are often choosen such as Halloween or Carnival, St. Valentine or Mum’s Day.
Activities connected to pharmaceutical marketing are not only carried out instore, but also outstore with real operations of field marketing.
Flyering is for sure the activity that suddenly comes to mind. As we have already told, it is not only about to deliver in person advertising flyers, but to accompany flyer’s paper support with detailed information and indication of honest purchases.
We have talked about sampling ; we have to add another important activity, the testing one which aims to make test products directly ( essential activity for pharmaceutical sector).
Results that can be obtained depend, first of all, by analysis of marketing made by companies, but there are typical KPIs of field marketing activities that risk to be ignored and that sign success or failure of these operations on the contrary.
These KPIs can include number of reached customers, number of delivered samples to the pharmacy’s customers or, still better, personal data of intercepted users through filling of digital registrations ( paper support is nowadays removed!).
There are not strategies better than other ones, but there is of course strategy of pharmaceutical marketing fit for one’s brand in right respect and sensitiveness for everybody.
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