Education, school, university, experience, social skills. These are just some of the terms we hear quoted with great recurrence when we speak of Curriculum Vitae, that is, the document that practically each one of us is forced to fill in, sooner or later, in life.
There is always a lot to say about the Curriculum Vitae. As in other areas of reality around us, also for this important document the opinions of professionals and users are divided into different perspectives.
As usual, however, the truth is in the middle. In this article we will show you some of the tricks to follow to develop a Curriculum Vitae in the best possible way, and make it as attractive as convincing to the employer.
Keep this in mind: the first impact for the recruiter comes from the design of the CV, whether it is sent directly by email or published on a specialized job search portal. It seems impossible, but in the vast majority of cases a very bad first impact has a major impact on the outcome of the candidate assessment. Here are some tips:
The use of colours deserves a special mention, as they are always part of the design options. The advice we can give you is to take advantage of the colours of the company for which you are proposing.
These colors do not have to be identical but, if you use colors very similar (or almost the same) to those of the company’s brand, you will feel somehow “at home” when reading the CV: a positive return is inevitable.
In the Curriculum Vitae it is correct and appropriate to enter your personal data, although it is not always useful for the candidate. However, there is extremely personal information that should be avoided without excluding blows.
We are talking, for example, about the civil status, or the religious orientation of each one and any other information that depends on the private sphere. It is not uncommon to see employers who, by virtue of certain personal situations (which are completely legitimate), discard a resume. In addition, by law, the employer cannot investigate and ask questions about aspects such as these, so it is good to avoid them immediately.
Writing a CV somehow implies a dialogue with the company proposing the job: a dialogue that continues with the job interview, a real face-to-face meeting with the recruiter.
In this sense, however, it is always good to think in terms of audience. Before writing your objectives, ask yourself the following questions: Which external companies will I contact? Am I trying to achieve a prominent position in the reference market, or can I afford to aspire to less? What will the company expect of me on the first day of my work?
These are seemingly useless questions, but they have a positive impact on the CV: the recruiter will read all his thoughts between the lines.
Special emphasis should also be placed on the human approach that you can print on your CV. You should try to express the best aspects of your character, or your interpersonal skills, in order to influence the recruiter in a positive way.
Have I positively influenced my previous work environment? If so, how? What positive aspects of me would external people mention?
The last piece of advice we can give you is to be as pragmatic as possible. Quantify in numbers as much as you can: economic results achieved, number of employees hired, number of articles written for a newspaper.
In addition, if you have achieved an important objective, clearly state the steps you have taken to achieve it: the starting point, the tools used to complete it, etc. Of course, sincerity comes first: inventions can come to light soon.
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