Instore activities to improve sell-out of your BTL activities.
When we talk about Instore Marketing we mean all BTL activities which are performer inside networks where products and services are exhibited and sold to final consumer.
All indoor activities are studied in the preliminary stages in order to be adapted to the most different selling places such as MMRs, Malls, Pharmacies, Perfumeries, Tobacco shops, Gyms, Local markets, Beach or Ski resorts, Ho.Re.Ca. networks, Railway stations and Airports, Cinemas, Single and Not single branding Retails.
Instore marketing is the best way to maximize brand’s exposure inside the same places where its sale is expected, from promotions in MMR to Temporary Tours.
Instore promotion aims to increase the audience’s interest for a product or a brand ; for this reason, position of promoter becomes crucial to engage audience but also to expose its features and make it taste at best, in case of food & beverage products.
Infact, activity of instore promotion is essential for launches of new products : come, test, purchase RIGHT NOW.
Hostess & Promoter boasts not only years’ experience for activities of instore marketing in all networks of sale and in several commodity sectors, but also a database with over 130 thousand of specialized profiles and technological platforms which promote the successful progress for performances of instore marketing activities.
Instore marketing includes activities aiming to improve direct sell-out in points of sale, but also to maximize rotation of shelves, as well as sampling and entertainment in points of sale with participation of mascots, catering or Djset.
Among the most used indoor professional figures we have promoters with H.A.C.C.P. certificates, merchandisers and stand organizers. Moreover, Hostess & Promoter is specialized in survey and control of storehouses and of logistics precisely during Instore promotional campaigns.
Besides the above mentioned activities, we must not forget the “ shop in shop” one, which allows an activity to reserve some internal space for another brand ( as it often happens in MMR ).
Hostess & Promoter is able and experienced in organizing and managing “ shop in shop” activities in the most different commodity sectors.
Do you think t an INSTORE activity makes difference for your brand ? click here for the first step.
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