Widespread presence in the territory.
With over 130.000 professional profiles, represents one of Hostess & Promoter’s added values it nowadays boasts over years. In fact, it has reached the goal of the biggest and most complete database in the scenario of below-the-line operational marketing.
Hostess & Promoter ensures brands meet persons directly in B2C and B2B channels.
Promoters and outdoor partners of Hostess & Promoter are in fact in such a number as to allow us working in targeted mode by reducing costs of transfer or chances for long transfers and possible delays on activities.
Efficient presence in the territory means trusting on an efficient structure which allows to cover all needs of an activity for Field marketing or Instore marketing.
Hostess & Promoter is here and comes wherever you go without having to be subjected to decreases in professionalism and disorganization.
All year long, our agency offers qualified personnel to perform Field Marketing and Instore Marketing projects. In this way, we allow customers to keep same standards of quality thanks to a sole interlocutor even reducing logistical and managing costs.. Advantage given by this chance is clearly visible. A sole project manager completely devoted to projects ensures flexibility and responsiveness in the same management of activity. The best Hostess & Promoter gives is also represented by knowledge of territory, places where to establish networks, products’ launches and marketing operations. We provide roadmaps on the base of turnout, costs for authorizations of public land or town permissions for flyering. This approach embraces concept of geomarketing and allows to maximize all field marketing operations.
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