Crucial professional figures for any kind of field marketing activity. They represent the face and voice of a brand.
Specialized profiles in description, exposure and sale of products or services in view of the target audience’s engagement.
Figure in charge for management and efficiency of a tour marketing or road show activity with detailed logistical and monitoring tasks.
Figure employed in extended activities. It is highly trained on products and services of the represented brand and promote capabilities of engagement to the audience.
These are reference figures who have been playing a role in the digital scenario of social networks in recent years and who have the role of generating influence and transmitting values, linked to one or more brands. Their main activity is the sharing of content, such as photos and videos, in order to reach a more or less large search for contacts. Influencers range from top bloggers to mini influencers and are also called 'evolved consumers'. They generate high credibility precisely because they are perceived as similar, further strengthening the bond of trust and empathy.
Strategic profile in the retail sector. It continues several inspection cycles to assess management and sale performances of one or more stores.
Professional figure in charge for the brand’s presence on shelves as well as in warehouse, directly fostering shopping experience.
Complementary figures for field marketing activities that include entertainers, dancers, Djs, photographers and many other.
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